Last week you robbed me. You came into my house in the middle of the night and took my things while I was sleeping. You may have been walking down the street, trying doors hoping for your big break but when you stopped at my house, boy did you get one. You opened my door and crept in in the dead of night all the while disturbingly silent. You snuck out my valuables, one by one, with the help from your buddies or maybe on your own. Then to scare me even more you grabbed my backpack, the contents of which contained my world as I knew it with my wallet and my laptop. You took my favourite ring from the coffee table where I left it the night before having been up late finishing homework (that you also stole), I got it for a bargain in Las Vegas with my gal pals a few years ago. (P.s. It's not worth any money its a fake but I loved it.) You took my rucksack that I backpacked Europe with, again not worth much money but contained so many memories. You also took my camera, my roommates TV, my friends speakers, and our house keys. You tried to take my roommates car but little did you know, it doesn't even start. When you left my door open on your way out you not only scared the bageesus out of us in the morning but may I point out that you wasted energy and added to my heating bill, great.
First of all with two weeks left of a semester your theft was very poorly timed. Not only did you take away every thing I was working on on my laptop but you stole my damn day planner! This set me back a lot and already being the procrastinator that I am my semester is looking glum. Also when you rob a locavore you are not just robbing them of stuff. You are robbing them of the ability to replace those things because they can not purchase them. I cannot just walk into a store and buy a new laptop, it is against my code, instead I've had to constantly check buy sell sites for used equipment and borrow things in the mean time. You stole that time away from me too, and you took away my peace of mind. All week my roommate and I were jumpy, nervous and had trouble sleeping because of you. Especially when we found where you live by the GPS locator on my laptop, knowing you were so close did not help us feel better. Stuff wasn't what mattered to me, but if it helped you or your family live better or get by, then I hope you are happy.

Oh and thanks for leaving my new bike alone (but you're a jerk for taking the keys to my bike lock)!
Yours truly,
The Locavore
"You can take my laptop but you will never take my freedom!!!!!"- Melanie
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