Wednesday, 12 August 2015

7 Non-Local Things on my Shopping List

With only a few short weeks until my year of living locally draws to a close, I am going to be sad to leave the Locavore challenge behind. I have nearly made it through an entire year of no Starbucks, no new clothes, no flights and no rum...and I survived! I found these things don't seem to be missing from my life and have evolved past them becoming more self sufficient and conscious along the way!!! Hurrah!
There are however a few things I have been anxiously awaiting to purchase once my term is complete September 1st, here is my list thus far:
  1. New shorts
    • My long lost backpack
    • I need new shorts for biking and haven't been able to find a suitable pair used. You could add biking gear to this list as there are a few things like and air pump and winter tires I have been waiting to buy.
  2. Backpack
    • My own backpack was stolen from me this year (Letter to a thief) and I have been borrowing a friends until I can purchase a new one. That bag came with me when I lived and travelled Europe and moved me across Canada. An investment in a new bag will hopefully last me for another 10 years. 
  3.  Coconut oil
    • I managed to make it through the year while going through my giant Costco sized coconut oil tub but I am almost out and can't wait to buy more. I used this sh*t on everything, I cook with it, brush my teeth, moisturise, make my own sunscreen, makeup remover, condition my hair. I love the stuff and don't want to live without it anymore.
  4. Birkenstock's
    • Totally ordering shots!
    • Last year my pair died after 4 years of faithful service and I am really excited to buy a new pair of quality shoes that will last just as long. I will be shopping from their vegan line and investing in quality shoes that will last beyond their aesthetic qualities. 
  5. Lingerie
    • Though I have been mending my undergarments at home some of them are on their final stretches and I am counting the days until I can replace them. My underwear drawer has been added to with handmade panties but I am needing a bit more support in the upper torso region ;) 
  6. Fly
    • I want to start flying again! I managed to travel this year going to Vancouver (x2), Seattle, Victoria, Nanaimo & Terrace by ride-sharing and am taking the train to Ontario soon to visit family. A year without flying hasn't been so bad but I do have the travel bug and am itching to get on the road in the skies.
  7. Mascara
    • I want this shirt too! 
    • I finally found my one true love mascara and haven't able to buy it this whole year. I tried homemade versions, Lush cosmetics and going au naturelle but am eager to replenish my fresh face staple.

The end is in sight, and once I stock up on the non-local "essentials" I feel like I can go another year of local! (...or maybe even longer..) 

Have a lovely day,

Melanie XX

"People don't cheat by chance, they cheat by choice"- Anonymous 

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