- Check your privilege before you wreck your privilege
- Laughter is the best medicine, make others laugh and become a healer.
- Money is for giving away and saving for vacations.
- "You don't need a silver fork to eat good food" Paul Prudhomme
- It's ok to be messy, I've spent too much time stressing about messes that I now embrace as exemplifying a life well lived.
- It's pretty hard to look sexy while eating a salad...
- If you don't like you situation in life, change it! Complaining does good for no one.
- Embrace change, it's the only way to move forward.
- "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"- Albert Einstein
- Waste is just unacceptable in todays world, value every resources as precious.
- Go at your own pace, you define what is right for you. Take a month to read a book, take a two hour lunch, take a year or two off!
- Live within your means, don't spend money you don't have, debt is the worst.
- Always wear clean underwear...if your going to wear any at all
- I am perfectly happy being perfectly average, my new standard for sustainability.
- "Do not speak unless you can improve the silence" Baroness Rodmilla De Ghent, Ever After
- Do what makes you happy and what will make others happy in the future.
- Respect yours elders, and spend a much time learning from them as you can.
- Stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out. There is no normal.
- "To all the girls who think you're fat because you're not a size zero. You are beautiful, it is society that is ugly." Marilyn Monroe
- Food is essential to life, therefore make it good.
- Do not measure your self worth in Facebook likes.
- “My weaknesses have always been food and men — in that order.” - Dolly Parton
- If you can't kill it yourself, don't eat it.
- You can do and achieve anything you put your mind to, I'm graduating University after all!
- 'Live simply so that others may simply live.'- Mahatma Gandhi

Have a lovely day,
XX Melanie